Sunday, December 5, 2010

Trying to be less wasteful

Firstly, apologies for the lack of posts, I have started working and had forgotten how completely it sucks up your time!

While I wasn't working I got into the habit of doing some baking each week for the man's lunch, and so far this is continuing. Mainly muffins, or things that are not to unhealthy, although every now and then I would throw in a batch of chocolate and raspberry muffins as a treat. Anyway, for the last couple of weeks I have been trying to combine this baking routine with the habit of using up everything in the kitchen. I have an annoying tendency to forget about things, and have to throw out food that is no longer edible. This goes against everything I try to live by, so I am trying to fix it and I discovered that by making myself use ingredients that are no longer at their best my baking has become a lot more interesting.

So last week we had banana bread, baked from the good 'ol Edmonds Cook Book, except I added some mixed spice and cinnamon to add a bit of interest. This was surprisingly good as I have never really been a fan of banana bread. My only gripe with this was that by Thursday it had gone mouldy. My muffins always last through the week. I am thinking about putting individual slices into zip lock bags and freezing them. Then putting the frozen banana bread into lunches in the morning, and hoping they have defrosted by lunch. Does any one out there have any experience with this?

This week I have just pulled a lemon loaf out of the oven, and have glazed it and am waiting till it cools to try it. It smells good so I have high hopes for it. I will let you know how it tasted. Again the recipe was from Edmonds (which I use so much as the recipes are straight forward and I normally have all the ingredients on hand. I find a lot of modern baking books ask for all sorts of odd and expensive ingredients, which to me defeats the whole purpose of making lunches at home to save money. Anyhoo.)

Thanks for waiting so long for an update!