Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Good things...

Firstly, look what I won from the lovely Cath over at ChunkyChooky:

I never win anything so this was super exciting, and the book is really helpful. I don't know about you but even though you can find all the instructions you need on the inter-webby thing, I still like to have my reference books too.

Also, I planted some herbs a couple of weeks ago and check out my coriander, it is growing so well I think I will have to thin it out and re-plant it! The basil is poking its little head out too, and while there has not been a peep from the others I have high hopes.


  1. Wow, your herbs look brilliant, well done. Congrats on winning that book, looks very useful. I like having books as well.

  2. How cool winning that book, looks great.
    Your herbs look really healthy, great for
    summer salads.


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