Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Creative Space

Today I am finishing off a job I have been meaning to do for 6 months now, making placemats and coasters. These are just two bits of fabric with some thin polyester batting, but once finished they should look quite good, hopefully.

Also, I am still working on the booties from last week, I have a finished one here and it shouldn't take too long to complete the next one. Turns out, while I am quite blase about things I make for myself, when I am making something specifically for someone else I become very very anal. I have re-made these so many times I could probably do it in my sleep. I hope they are appreciated!

Lots more lovely (hopefully less frustrated) creative peeps over here.


  1. It doesn't matter how many times I see a pair of bootees, they always make me smile. Yours are so cute!

  2. They look lovely, a great pair of first
    red shoes!

  3. I've seen this pattern before and thought how sweet they look, yours look adorable. Were they easy to make? Enjoy your creating.:)

  4. Love, Love, Love your fabric for your placemats - just gorgeous! And the little booties are just too cute :-)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment - every single one is appreciated x